Selasa, 17 Januari 2012


Someone has their own way to show people that they are happy, even smile not always describe that they're happy. Almost all the woman in the world feel interest in a men because "smile", yeah, guess there is so many opinion like : "that smile is killing me inside" or "oh my God hos smile so sexy" or etc. and the power of smile can make people falling in love.  Joe- Anne Bachorowski, the assistance of Phsycology from University of Cornell explain that if someone is trying to take attention from someone, just manage how the way you show your smile cause that smile has an important role to show your own pesonal self.
" someone will understand about who you are from your smile "

Beside it, the observation from 120 womans in some communities prove if the way a men smile is take attention. " take me out with your smile" someone said. If someone can organize it, course it could make another people falling in love. When we smile, it means we try to share our attractiveness especially in situation that really mean to be. It is also show someone that we listen and give response good.

From my own experience, i am in love with my boyfriend because his smile, like he say, "come in please, flirt on me".
honestly, his smile can reduce my mood when i feel so angry, bored, tired, or being alone. It is cheer me up, cause i see a lot of love, care and affection that he try to share happiness when we're together and i can't avoid it.

  • Makes me feel so complate with love
Woman in all over the world will be so comfort when someone they falling in love with, show that they're care with their own way, it could be like a smile, as  i told before smile could be mean someone give a response. For me myself, when i feel so lonely, need someone to come in my heart to hear what i feel, like his smile giving me everything i need. I saw a lot of love and careness that he try to prove that he wanna me to be happy again.

  • Makes me falling in love and feel so addicted
Perhaps, this stuff sound over reacting, but as a woman i feel like interesting with a men who has charismatic, you know like his smile can take my soul away. Share my experience, i am in love with my boyfriend because his smile at first meet. Till right now, i feel like i need his smile and everything i ask when i meet him is his sweet smile, it really means a lot for me, you know like end my fatigue after a lot of activity.

woow, that's the power of smile. Really something ..
simple thing that have a lot of meaning, giving great effect and important role to build the relationship. 
For me myself, i feel so thanks to Allah Swt for sending me an angel that inspire me with his sweetest smile ever, i love him ..

dedicated for my beloved inspirator, Doan Yoga Pratama ..

posted by Lidya Oktavia Pratiwi

Is it true they stole our culture?

Nowadays, we all knows about our rivalry with our closed neighbor country Malaysia is such an endless feud. Whereas, our land is so close with them. It is possible if people said every closed neighboring counties always have some problems. It's like Japan with Korea, South Korea with North Korea, Palestine with Israel, USA with Mexico, others Europe countries and Indonesia with Malaysia. The problems is variant, sometimes about the land, marine area, an island, culture, etc.
In Malaysia and Indonesia cases, Indonesia claimed that Malaysia has stolen Indonesian culture, Indonesian typical foods, languages, islands, and many others. But, Malaysian thought all of it is their stuffs. Unfortunately we have the evidences about what they've stolen from us.
  1. The origins of melayu is not from Malaysia, In the fact melayu has come from Lombok, Indonesia.
  2. The culture that Indonesian claimed as their culture is truly Indonesian culture, unfortunately Indonesian Government has failed to promote their own culture, because of this Malaysia has a chance to stole it and promote it as their.
  3. Rupiah's value is cheaper than Ringgit's value, this affair make Malaysian have a great opportunity to claimed.
  4. In north borneo areas, people of Indonesian got distress to get comestibles, so they using Malaysian import stuffs to use.

Indeed, Indonesian Government hasn't effectively observed to their own. So Malaysian using it as their chances to developing their nation. But as Indonesian, we always hope that Indonesian could be more evolving than Malaysia in economical, development, performance, tourism, and many others good points.

Oktavianus Djoka

 wednesday 18-01-2012

Biggest found of Century in Indonesia

Garut Pyramid

              A couple month before 2011 was ended, some researcher who called them selves as Ancient Catastrophic Team was found a mount that were be expected is a pyramid, this statement or issues come from many person in west java who realized something strange about a mountain that stands in the middle of the west java. people were questioned about the mountain in the first place, they feel it was strange because as far as they know there is no mountain which have clearly acute angle at the top of it, when people try to recall their knowledge they remembered that it is the form of pyramid and when they imagine and try to related every specific angle and also it special form which like triangle, then from that they start to give statement if that is a pyramid that stands on west java and not a ordinary mountain.

here is the schema from the computer 

           after calculated by every angel and also the curve of the mountain that expected were a pyramid then Ancient Catastrophic Team decide to do research on that mountain to get an proof about people issues if that were a pyramid.

          and also after team do a research on that mountain the result were so surprised, team found a singularity proof if this is an ordinary mountain which it mean it is a real pyramid which stands in our indonesia.

         from the data that team already submit, we can knew that this pyramid were already stands for thousands year, this pyramid build were stands older that pyramid which stands in giza which become the fir'aun graveyard, and also the team belief if this pyramid already exist since 2560 years B.C

       knowing this phenomena, america, holland, france also want to help us to solve the mystery that pyramid have because it might be become the greatest found in the history in Indonesia. more over team still do researching and they will announce it if they got any new information about this pyramid that exist in garut

Carera Rinus



Symbolic meaning behind "Sesaji" (Sedekahan and Selamatan) Javanese Ritual

For the Java Muslim community, ritualistic as a form of devotion and sincerity of the worship of God, partly realized in the form of ritual symbols that contain profound meaning. Ritual symbols or the embodiment of an expression and comprehension will be elegant timepiece ' reality ' so that it becomes unattainable ' very close '. With the symbols of these rituals, feels that God is always present and always involved, ' fused ' in itself, a symbol of the ritual are understood as a manifestation of intention that man is himself the tajalli, or also as an inseparable part of the Lord.
The ritual symbols of which are ubarampe (a gift in the form of food), which was presented in (wilujengan) celebrate the rituals, texts and so on. It is the actualization of thoughts, desires, and feelings of the perpetrator to be draw closer to God. An attempt to approach myself through the ritual of sedekahan, the kenduri, celebrates the joy and the like, is in fact a form of cultural accumulation that is abstract. It is sometimes also referred to as the negotiation efforts so that all things spiritual, which is believed to be above the ghaib humans won't touch it negatively.

Septa Twi Riski Putra

DEWARUCI, Indonesian great masterpiece

Have you ever heard about Dewaruci? In my opinion, it was Indonesian masterpiece, especially in navy millitary.
This training ship was made in German on 1953, and it will sail through around the world at about 27.000 mile sea. Started from 15 January 2012 Sailing around the world in 277 days, the ship will cross the Pacific to the United States, join “Operation Sail 2012”, calling on a total 21 American, European, African and Asian ports to finally return to its base on 16 October 2012.
The journey has three missions, said Admiral Soeparno. Besides serving as a training vessel for cadets to practice astronomical navigation, the ship will also join Operation Sail 2012 in the USA. Moreover, throughout this journey the ship and crew will promote “Wonderful Indonesia” through cultural performances, parades, and meet the locals.
Yeah, as an Indonesian I do really proud about this. We have one of the greatest ship in the world. Indonesia is famous with its maritim country. Which means that our country is surrounded by many seas. And I think that it is cool, we have a big navy military, surrounded by the sea, and most of our people's occupation also in the sea too. I believe that Dewaruci's sailing around the world can increase the number of visitor tourism in Indonesia
-posted by Dhafintya Noorca A. 105120201121026 

Technology, a Double-Edged Sword

The sophistication of the technology nowadays is growing up fastly. This era is the most sophisticated era that we ever know. Without meeting with relatives in far away, we can still see them through the skype and video call, no need to bring a big map if you want to go travelling because there is a GPS that could accompany. Maybe you need a friend to accompany you when you get  tired and bored, the game player such as PSP and Nitendo can help you. Now, the booming technologies are blackberry, android and tablet PCs. With the tablet PC, people do not need to carry a big PC to storing important files. Blackberry Smartphone as a choice of advanced mobile phones are not only attractive to office workers but also students, the elementary school students can already use it, when asked why use the Blackberry, more than 50 percent of users chose blackberry just for exist, they will look out of date if they do not use it. Blackberry, which provides BBM (Black Berry Messenger) service to facilitate communication among Blackberry users, became one of the main reasons for having this phone. A similar case experienced by android, although the reasons for choosing this phone because the need is greater than the means to exist.
The sophistication of technology has both positive and negative, positively can be seen that the technology allows people in finding information, such as the benefits of the internet that do not need to waste a lot of money to go around the world. With the internet, all information can be accessed easily. Technological sophistication also pamper people, the washing machine does not need to make you tired of washing clothes. As a communication tool, mobile phone allows us not only to communicate, but also helping us to saving a moment with camera and video, sharing media with GPRS, bluetooth, MMS, etc. Technology can be a helpful friend to us when we need its services, but it also can be an enemy to humans if we cannot use it correctly. For an example,  Air Conditioner that can make our ozone layer thinning and will make the sun's rays enter the earth stronger and causing the increase of global temperatures. in addition, to positive effects, there are also negative impacts caused by the sophistication of technology, which obviously lazy because people increasingly began to rely on technology, humans will frenzy when there is no mobile phone signal, the AC off, television jams, etc.. The impact for students who are very striking is the lack of competitiveness in attaining education, because complete information that provided internet makes students lazy to analyzing and like to copy and pastethe answer without thinking. Humans also increasingly consumerist because hypnotized by the existing ads.
Technology also can poison to people, many victims of technologies, such as teenagers who died from not eating for 3 days and 3 nights to finish the game level. Terrible impact of technology is now making its consumern becomes autistic because their life is only to dwell on existing technology so it is difficult fatherly socializing.
It’s oke to be up date to technology , but do not let you blind with the technology, because it will hurt yourself and people around. (Pyk)

Priscila Yuan Kartika

Top 10 Places You Don’t Want To Visit

10. Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Pacific Ocean)
            The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also described as the Pacific Trash Vortex, is a gyre of marine litter in the central North Pacific Ocean located roughly between 135° to 155°W and 35° to 42°N. Most current estimates state that it is larger than the U.S. state of Texas, with some estimates claiming that it is larger than the continental United States, however the exact size is not known for sure. The Patch is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of pelagic plastics, chemical sludge, and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre. The patch is not easily visible because it consists of very small pieces, almost invisible to the naked eye; most of its contents are suspended beneath the surface of the ocean. This is not a place the average Joe would want to visit.
9. Izu Islands (Japan)
The Izu Islands are a group of volcanic islands stretching south and east from the Izu Peninsula of Honshū, Japan. Administratively, they form two towns and six villages; all part of Tokyo. The largest is Izu Ōshima, usually called simply Ōshima. Because of their volcanic nature, the islands are constantly filled with the stench of sulfur (extremely similar to the smell of thousands of farts). Residents were evacuated from the islands in 1953 and 2000 due to volcanic activity and dangerously high levels of gas. The people returned in 2005 but are now required to carry gas masks with them at all times in case gas levels rise unexpectedly.
8. The Door to Hell (Turkmenistan)
While drilling in Derweze in Turkmenistan in 1971, geologists accidentally found an underground cavern filled with natural gas. The ground beneath the drilling rig collapsed, leaving a large hole with a diameter of about 50-100 meters. To avoid poisonous gas discharge, scientists decided to set fire to the hole. Geologists had hoped the fire would go out in a few days but it has been burning ever since. Locals have named the cavern The Door to Hell. As you can see from the picture above, it is one hell of an amazing place, but certainly one you wouldn’t want to visit.
7. Alnwick Poison Gardens (England)
Inspired by the Botanical Gardens in Padua, Italy (the first botanical garden which was created to grow medicinal and poisonous plants in the 1500s), the Alnwick Poison Garden is a garden devoted entirely to plants that can kill. It features many plants grown unwittingly in back gardens, and those that grow in the British countryside, as well as many more unusual varieties. Flame-shaped beds contain belladonna, tobacco and mandrake. The Alnwick Garden has a Home Office license to grow some very special plants; namely, cannabis and coca which are found behind bars in giant cages – for obvious reasons.
6. Asbestos Mine (Canada)
Asbestos is a set of six naturally occurring silicate minerals highly prized for their resistance to fire and sound absorption abilities. On the downside, exposure to this stuff causes cancer and a variety of other diseases. It is so dangerous that the European Union has banned all mining and use of asbestos in Europe. But, for those curious enough to want to get close to the stuff, all is not lost. In Canada at the Thetford Mines, you can visit enormous open pit asbestos mine which is still fully operational. The workers in the mines aren’t required to wear any sort of respiratory protection, and in some sections of the nearby town, residential areas are butted right next up against piles of asbestos waste. The mine offers bus tours of the deadly environment during the summer months. Tickets are free (would you expect it to be any other way?). If you decide to visit, don’t forget your full body bio-hazard suit.
5. Ramree Island (Burma)
 Ramree Island in Burma is a huge swamp home to 1000s of salt water enormous salt water crocodiles, the deadliest in the world. It is also home to malaria carrying mosquitoes, and venomous scorpions. During the Second World War, the island was the site of a six week battle in the Burma campaign. Here is a description of one of those horrifying nights: “That  night [of the 19 February 1945] was the most horrible that any member of the M.L. [motor launch] crews ever experienced. The scattered rifle shots in the pitch black swamp punctured by the screams of wounded men crushed in the jaws of huge reptiles, and the blurred worrying sound of spinning crocodiles made a cacophony of hell that has rarely been duplicated on earth. At dawn the vultures arrived to clean up what the crocodiles had left…Of about 1,000 Japanese soldiers that entered the swamps of Ramree, only about 20 were found alive.”
4. Yungas Road (Bolivia)
The North Yungas Road (Road of Death or Death Road) is a 61 kilometres (38 mi) or 69 kilometres (43 mi) road leading from La Paz to Coroico, 56 kilometres (35 mi) northeast of La Paz in the Yungas region of Bolivia. It is legendary for its extreme danger with estimates stating that 200 to 300 travelers are killed yearly along it. The road includes crosses marking many of the spots where vehicles have fallen. The road was built in the 1930s during the Chaco War by Paraguayan prisoners. It is one of the few routes that connects the Amazon rainforest region of northern Bolivia, or Yungas, to its capital city. Because of the extreme dropoffs of at least 600 metres (2,000 ft), single-lane width – most of the road no wider than 3.2 metres (10 ft) and lack of guard rails, the road is extremely dangerous. Further still, rain, fog and dust can make visibility precarious. In many places the road surface is muddy, and can loosen rocks from the road.
3. Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan)
   In the Spring of 2001, volcanic activity under the Caspian Sea off the Azeri coast created a whole new island. In October 2001 there was an impressive volcanic eruption in Azerbaijan at Lokbatan, but there were no casualties or evacuation warnings. But Azerbaijan does not have a single active volcano, at least not in the usual sense of the word. What Azerbaijan does have is mud volcanoes – hundreds of them. Mud volcanoes are the little-known relatives of the more common magmatic variety. They do erupt occasionally with spectacular results, but are generally not considered to be dangerous – unless you happen to be there at the wrong time: every twenty years or so, a mud volcano explodes with great force, shooting flames hundreds of meters into the sky, and depositing tonnes of mud on the surrounding area. In one eruption, the flames could easily be seen from 15 kilometers away on the day of the explosion, and were still burning, although at a lower level, three days later.
2. The Zone of Alienation (Eastern Europe)
The Zone of Alienation is the 30 km/19 mi exclusion zone around the site of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster and is administrated by a special administration under the Ukrainian Ministry of Extraordinary Situations (Emergencies). Thousands of residents refused to be evacuated from the zone or illegally returned there later. Over the decades this primarily elderly population has dwindled, falling below 400 in 2009. Approximately half of these resettlers live in the town of Chernobyl; others are spread in villages across the zone. After recurrent attempts at expulsion, the authorities became reconciled to their presence and even allowed limited supporting services for them. Because of looting, there is a strong police presence – so be warned, if you visit, you may either be shot or get radiation poisoning – and we all know how awful that can be.
1.   Ilha de Queimada Grande (Brazil)
Off the shore of Brazil, almost due south of the heart of São Paulo, is a Ilha de Queimada Grande (Snake Island). The island is untouched by human developers, and for very good reason. Researchers estimate that on the island live between one and five snakes per square meter. That figure might not be so terrible if the snakes were, say, 2 inches long and nonvenomous. The snakes on Queimada Grande, however, are a unique species of pit viper, the golden lancehead. The lancehead genus of snakes is responsible for 90% of Brazilian snakebite-related fatalities. The golden lanceheads that occupy Snake Island grow to well over half a meter long, and they possess a powerful fast-acting poison that melts the flesh around their bites. This place is so dangerous that a permit is required to visit.

By: Prima Amelia...

Did You Know??

- Istanbul, Turkey is the only city in the world located on two continents
- The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley 
- Cinderella is known as Rashin Coatie in Scotland, Zezolla in Italy, and Yeh-hsien in China 
- The longest distance a deepwater lobster has been recorded to travel is 225 miles 
- Japanese research has concluded that moderate drinking can boost IQ levels 
- The word "toy" comes from an old English word that means "tool." 
- Humans are born with 300 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone 
- Most lipstick contains fish scales
- The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the english language 
- No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times
- More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes
- The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth is called Arachibutyrophobia 
- A chicken with red earlobes will produce brown eggs, and a chicken with white earlobes will produce white eggs
- Not all polar bears hibernate; only pregnant females polar bears do
- There is a restaurant in Stockholm that only offers all-garlic products. They even have a garlic cheesecake
- Serving ice cream on cherry pie was once illegal in Kansas 
- The Koala bear is not really a bear, but is really related to the kangaroo and the wombat.
- One gallon of pure maple syrup weighs 11 pounds
- Instead of a Birthday Cake, many Russian children are given a Birthday Pie
- The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people 
- China has more English speakers than the United States 

- In a day, kids in the U.S. that are between the ages of 2 - 8 spend 28 minutes of their time coloring  
- The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar an England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes
- Irish Wolfhound dogs have a short lifespan and live about 7-8 years 
- When Queen Elizabeth I of England died she owned over 3,000 gowns
- Female alligators lay about 40 eggs that hatch in 60 - 70 days
- The nickname for a Japanese businessmen is "Salarymen." 
- The most dangerous job in the United States is that of a fisherman, followed by logging and then an airline pilot
- The words "abstemious," and "facetious" both have all the five vowels in them in order 
- Did you know you share your birthday with at least 9 other million people in the world 
- The smile is the most frequently used facial expression. A smile can use anywhere from a pair of 5 to 53 facial muscles 
- Native Americans used to use pumpkin seeds for medicine
- The pound key (#) on the keyboard is called an octothorpe
- The chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethylzantihine
- Corals take a long time to grow. Some corals only grow one centimeter in one year
 - Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression than men in the United States
- The smallest man ever was Gul Mohammed (1957-1997) of India, who measured 1 feet, 10 inches
- 500,000 tons of dog excrement are dumped annually on the streets of Paris 
- In Belgium, there is a museum just for strawberries
- The Simpsons is the longest running prime-time animated series on television history 
- A piece of French toast that was partially eaten by Justin Timberlake sold on eBay
- The Olympic was the sister ship of the Titanic, and she provided twenty-five years of service 
- Scatologists are experts who study feces. (aka. crap, dung, dookie, dumps, feces, excrement, etc.)
- Pumpkins contain potassium and vitamin A 
- At just four years old Mozart was able to learn a piece of music in half an hour 
- The biggest bug in the world is the Goliath Beetle which can weigh up to 3.5 ounces and be 4.5 inches long 


Prima Amelia Larasati

STOP Juvenile Delinquency!

Adolescence is a period full of problems. This statement was put forward much in the past either at the beginning of the 20th century by Stanley Hall as an Icon of Adolescent Psychology. Opinions Stanley Hall at that time is that adolescence is a period of storm and stress are still widely quoted people.

Fighting between students

Currently the development of youth is so dangerous. The impact of modernization and rapid development of technology led many teens fall into things that are not good. Of course, the impact is negative and highly detrimental. For example: skip from school, speeding on the streets, drug abuse, premarital sexual behavior, and fights between students. It can be seen from the news media often report a crime committed by teenagers.

Drink and smoke

Drug abuse
Why did they do it all? The factors are themselves frustrated reactions, impaired thinking and intelligence, lack of affection or attention of the family especially the parents, lack of supervision, the basis of religion is not strong, there is no dealer media talent, the problem is buried, the influence of friends and the environment, as well as negative impacts of technology . There are some characteristics of adolescents that can lead to various problems in adolescent self, namely:
1. Clumsiness in the association and stiffness in movement.
2. Emotional instability.
3. The existence of an empty feeling due to revamp the views and hints of life.
4. The presence of resistance and challenge parents.
5. Contradictions in itself often become the base cause of conflicts with parents.
6. Anxiety because many things desirable but is unable to meet all of them teenagers.
7. Happy experimenting.
8. Happy to explore.
9. Having a lot of fantasy, delusion, and crap.
10. The tendency to form groups and tendencies group activities.

Their deeds referred to juvenile delinquency because the act violates the norms, rules or laws in a society that made the transition in adolescence or childhood and adulthood.
Tips to prevent and address juvenile delinquency   

Parents should always give and show care and affection to their children. Parents should be a comfortable place to vent their children so that the problem resolved soon. As a parent as much as possible support the hobby / talent of children who are positive. If there are funds, do not hesitate to facilitate their hobbies, so that can avoid teenagers from negative activities. The strong religious foundation instilled in children early on. Parents should have supervision intensively to the children. Include the development of technology (communication media such as television, radio, internet access, mobile phone). Also there should be guidance counseling subject in school. 

Rosa Rizka Febrina - 105120201121027